Monday, May 16, 2011

Spice up your Escort Cards!

Some of you may be in this very have a rather extensive guest list, families who may never have met before and a void in the "escort card" department. If you're nodding in approval at all three, then you're reading the right blog today! Today's post is all about escort cards and creative alternatives to the "card" factor.

Martha Stewart Weddings
While reading away in Blog Land this week, we couldn't help but notice the personal wedding photos of a certain blogger. The author and editor of Snippet and Ink recently shared her wedding photos on her blog for all to see and be inspired. And were we ever! One of the details that stood out most to us were the adorable escort buttons! Yes, I said "buttons!" Each button was hand calligraphed with the individuals name and attached to a card which featured their table number. It gets better! The pins were then displayed on a vintage post card holder! The pictures really explain it all and capture the creative thought put into this unforgettable detail.

Photo by Elizabeth Messina, Via Snippet & Ink

    The buttons were a hit at the wedding and everyone wore them! It truly set the tone for a fun reception, and that's what is most important. It's true, the right crowd will really help these buttons be a hit, but we have confidence in your wedding guests. Even better, these nifty little buttons will help your family remember the names of their newly acquired family = ) Everyone is sure to know who each person is by the end of the night.

   How much do you love this creative alternative to escort cards? Think this would be a huge success at your wedding? We want to hear all about it!

                       The Emily Weddings Team

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